Shipping and handling charges vary based on your purchase. Exact pricing for shipping costs will either be displayed directly on the product page and can be calculated by our website prior to checkout. Simply click on the "Calculate Shipping" while on the Shopping Cart page to know your exact shipping costs.
We will in every case, make our best efforts to deliver your product in the time frame chosen by you during checkout but we have no control, nor can we accept responsibility for any delays which may be caused by the shipping courier.
Typical delivery times are:
Standard Shipping: USA Only
7 - 10 Days Delivery (US Continental)
10 - 14- Days Delivery (Alaska, Hawaii)
Rush Shipping: USA Only
5 - 7 Days Delivery (US Continental)
7 - 10 Days Delivery (Alaska, Hawaii)
Express Shipping: US Continental Only
3-5 days delivery
Due to the personalized nature of our products, all sales are final.
We will accept returns or refunds in the case of manufacturing defect only. If you believe your product has not arrived in full working order, please contact us for assistance. If it is determined that the malfunction was caused during our production of the item, we will either replace your product or offer you a refund.
We accept no responsibility for any damage which may be caused by the shipping courier.